Episode 5 Part 1 - Turmeric - is it the ultimate super food? And how fish oil is actually snake oil.
Click here to listen to the podcast. I had one of those moments the other day. One of those moments of sudden doubt when I suddenly ask...

Episode 5 part 2 - Two relaxation exercises to go.
Click here to listen to the podcast. This episode is all about portable relaxation. Previously we have done exercises that require about...

Episode 4 -Part 2 - Kindness Relaxation
Listen here to the podcast. This relaxation exercise is about kindness. We focus on the relationship between a kind person and their pet....
Episode 4- Part 1 - Reducing cancer risk;
Listen to the podcast here. Happy New Year! It's time for New Year's resolutions. One of mine is to do these podcasts more frequently -...

Episode 3 - Curing the common cold and garden relaxation.
Hi there. I have split the show into two separate parts as requested by listeners. That way you can go straight to the relaxation...

Episode 2 - Some sleep science and a mountain cabin relaxation.
In this episode we relax around the fireplace in a cozy mountain cabin. But before that I talk about sleep - why we sleep at all, why we...

Episode 1- Beach scene meditation.
Hi there, patient listeners. Thank you for inviting me in through your ears and into your mind. This podcast is made firstly for my...